Mahindra has officially launched the BE 6 electric SUV in India with an aggressive price range starting at ₹18.90 lakh (ex-showroom) for the base variant and going up to ₹26.90 lakh (ex-showroom) for the top-end model. Competing in the compact EV segment, the BE 6 directly challenges rivals like the Tata Curvv EV and MG ZS EV, both popular options in the mid-range EV market. Here’s how these electric SUVs stack up in terms of price, range, battery, and power output.
Price Comparison
Mahindra has strategically priced the BE 6 to undercut its rivals.
- Mahindra BE 6: ₹18.90 lakh to ₹26.90 lakh (ex-showroom)
- Tata Curvv EV: ₹17.49 lakh to ₹21.99 lakh (ex-showroom), making it the most affordable of the three.
- MG ZS EV: ₹18.98 lakh to ₹25.23 lakh (ex-showroom), slightly pricier than the base model of the BE 6 but more affordable than its top-end variant.
Mahindra’s pricing positions the BE 6 as a value-for-money option, offering more power and range at a competitive price.
Battery Comparison
Both the Mahindra BE 6 and Tata Curvv EV offer dual battery options, while the MG ZS EV is equipped with a single battery pack.
- Mahindra BE 6:
- 59 kWh battery in the entry-level variant
- 79 kWh battery in the top-end variant
- Tata Curvv EV:
- 45 kWh and 55 kWh battery options
- A single 50.3 kWh battery pack
Mahindra leads the battery game with the largest available pack, offering enhanced range and performance.
Range Comparison
With the biggest battery packs, the Mahindra BE 6 offers the longest range among the three EVs.
- Mahindra BE 6:
- Up to 556 km (smaller battery)
- Up to 682 km (larger battery)
- Tata Curvv EV:
- Up to 430 km (smaller battery)
- Up to 502 km (larger battery)
- Up to 461 km with its single battery pack
The BE 6 sets a new benchmark in the segment, with even its entry-level variant offering a longer range than its competitors’ higher-end models.
Power Output Comparison
Mahindra’s BE 6 not only excels in range but also outperforms its rivals in terms of power output and acceleration.
- Mahindra BE 6:
- Power output: 228 bhp to 277 bhp
- Torque: 390 Nm
- Rear-wheel drive system
- 0-100 kmph in under 7 seconds
- Tata Curvv EV:
- Power output: 145 bhp to 165 bhp
- Torque: 215 Nm
- Front-wheel drive
- 0-100 kmph in around 8.5 seconds
- Power output: 174 bhp
- Torque: 280 Nm
- Front-wheel drive
- 0-100 kmph in around 8.5 seconds
The rear-wheel drive system and higher power figures give the BE 6 a clear edge in terms of driving dynamics and performance.