Indian electric two-wheeler startup Jitendra EV has launched its latest electric scooter, the Yunik, priced at ₹1.24 lakh (ex-showroom). Deliveries are set to commence on January 15, 2025, and the company is already planning to expand the lineup with two new variants—Yunik Lite and Yunik Pro, slated for launch in October 2025, with prices starting at ₹92,000 (ex-showroom).
Performance and Range
At the heart of the Jitendra EV Yunik is a 3.8 kW LMFP detachable battery, delivering a claimed range of 118 km per charge. The scooter is powered by an industry-first HyperGear powertrain with Spin Switch Riding Modes, allowing users to switch between different performance settings. The Yunik has a top speed of 75 kmph, making it ideal for urban commuting.
Features and Connectivity
The Jitendra EV Yunik is packed with features designed to enhance both safety and convenience. Key highlights include:
- Dual disc brakes for better stopping power.
- 12-inch tubeless tyres with alloy wheels.
- Side stand sensors to prevent accidental starts.
- Keyless entry for added convenience.
- USB charging port for on-the-go charging.
- A smart digital LED cluster with advanced displays.
- ChromeArc LED headlamps, Radiant Hex LED tail lamps, and EagleVision LED blinkers for improved visibility.
Additionally, the Yunik comes with a Bluetooth-connected battery that integrates with the JENi app, providing thermal propagation alerts, smart connectivity, and intuitive controls for an enhanced user experience.
Jitendra EV offers a range of accessories to complement the Yunik, including:
- Yunikrown helmet with Bluetooth connectivity for calls, music, and navigation.
- Yunikase detachable bag, designed for additional storage.
- Yunikart Booster, a unique solution for moving the scooter in case of a puncture.
Warranty and Color Options
The Yunik comes with a comprehensive three-year or 50,000 km warranty on both the vehicle and the battery, providing peace of mind to customers. It is available in five vibrant colors:
- Meadow Green
- Dusk Blue
- Forest White
- Volcano Red
- Eclipse Black
Jitendra EV Primo: A More Affordable Alternative
In addition to the Yunik, Jitendra EV previously launched the Primo electric scooter, priced at ₹79,999. The Primo features a 60V, 26Ah battery pack, offering a range of 65 km per charge and a top speed of 52 kmph. It also boasts a 7-degree gradient capability and comes equipped with telescopic front forks and a hydraulic rear fork with spring coil for a smoother ride.